How to Create an Account?

Create an account on LookingFour online buy and sell today! It's easy and you'll be up and running in no time.

Register viaMobile

  1. Open a web browser of your choice.
  2. Go to
  3. Tap the 3 line menu iconon the top right corner

    opening user menu
  4. Tap Sign Up

    click sign-up button
  5. There are two options to sign up. You can either use your Facebook account by simply clicking on the "Log in with Facebook" button or fill out the fields with your credentials along with a valid mobile number.

    sign-up choices

    If you choose to Sign up with Facebook, do the following:

    1. Click Log in with Facebook
    2. You will be redirected to Facebook to log in your Facebook account
    3. Once you're done, you can now log in your LookingFour account by simply Click Log in with Facebook

    If you choose to fill out the fields with your credentials, do the following:

    1. Fill out all of the required fields
    2. Click Sign Up
    3. Do the following:

      1. Wait for the following window to appear:

        submit verification code
      2. Enter the verificationcodethat will be sent to your phone by text, and click the Submit button
    4. Once you're done, you can now use the proceed to setting up your account
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