Report a Listed Item

If you come across a product listing that violates LookingFour's policies, please report it, and if a product listing violates the LookingFour's Prohibited Products Policy, we will immediately remove the listing from our platform.

What to do if you come across a product listing that violates our policies:

You can report product listings to us using the "Report Item" button on every product page:

Step 1Step 2Step 3

An example of a prohibited product

Here are a few things to keep in mind when reporting a prohibited product:

If its in the wrong category, we will remind the seller to move the listing to the correct category. We will also send the seller a warning email asking them to fix the problem before we take further action. Sellers are notified via a "prohibited product notice" which states that the product is prohibited for sale on the platform after it has been verified that it is in violation of LookingFour's policies. If the item is not removed after the "prohibited product notice" has been issued, the item is removed from listings permanently. Our main goal is to help customers find great products and avoid purchasing products that are harmful or illegal. However, if you have an issue with a specific seller, please contactCustomer Support.

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