What to Declutter in Every Room of Your Home | LookingFour Blog
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Elfie PH

What to Declutter in Every Room of Your Home


Whether we’re conscious of it or not, it can sometimes be easy for us to congest our home spaces with things that don’t need to be there. Not only will this prove inconvenient when we want to eat, rest, relax, or entertain guests; the clutter can also sometimes be unhealthy, causing problems like allergies, asthma, or even accidents at home.

Knowing all this, it would be a good idea for you to dedicate time towards decluttering the rooms in your home. One strategy that may prove effective is to do it room by room. Once you’ve cleaned out and reorganized each room to suit its original purpose, it will be easier to go about your home improvement projects, welcome people into your home, and simply enjoy staying indoors as much as you would want to. Here are some tips for decluttering your rooms, reorganizing the spaces to be more functional, and buying or offloading items using a buy and sell online platform like LookingFour. As you’ll see when you start your decluttering project, it will make a big difference to the overall happiness and healthiness of your home life.

Your Living Room

Given how often you use it and how many people typically stay in that space, your living room should be one of your top priorities for decluttering. Your living space should guarantee comfort and freedom of movement, which are two things that are important to your rest and wellbeing.

When cleaning out your living room, start by taking away things that don’t really serve a purpose, like empty storage boxes or broken and unused furniture. Leave room for compact and space-saving chairs, a coffee table, and a TV stand. For items that you want to have within your reach, like books or music records, maximize the vertical space on your shelves and console tables. The less packed your living room is, the easier it will be for you to unwind.

Your Dining Room and Kitchen


As far as your kitchen and dining room are concerned, you should take out the things that get in the way of their primary purpose: that of being a place where you can prepare food and drinks and have good meals with your family.

Put away random items that may be occupying your dining table, like toys and schoolbooks, so that these don’t get in the way of your food prep and meals. Inside your kitchen, declutter your countertops to ensure that you have enough room to actually prepare food. Rid your kitchen and dining room shelves of utensils, dishes, and glassware that’s chipped, broken, or already unusable due to age or wear and tear.

Lastly, make it a point to regularly check on food items and beverages that you have on display in your dining room and kitchen, like cereal containers and wine bottles. Toss out items that have gone bad, that are past their consume before date, or that have been contaminated by pests.

Your Bathroom

The bathroom is a space that regularly gets wet and damp. This means that common household problems, like mold infestation and slip and fall accidents, can be traced to a dirty, cluttered, and disorganized bathroom. Take the time to rid your bathroom of items that can easily accumulate moisture and dirt, like old towels, mats, and robes. When needed replace these with fresher and more functional items.

If you also keep a medicine cabinet in your bathroom, don’t forget to declutter it of expired medicines and unusable medical supplies. In addition, clean out items like rusty razors and empty toiletry containers.

Your Bedroom


For your bedroom, the general principle is to let go of anything that keeps you from resting and getting a good night’s sleep. Consider the idea that the more packed your room is, the easier it will be for items to accrue dust and mold—and therefore trigger health problems like allergic rhinitis and asthma.

Try doing a daily decluttering sweep of your bedroom, taking out items like empty glasses, food bowls, and dirty laundry. Place these where they need to be, like the kitchen or the laundry basket. Don’t forget to empty your trash bin daily as well, as garbage that’s left too long in your bedroom can draw in vermin, become a breeding ground for harmful microbes, and produce unpleasant odors.

Your Guest Room

If you have a guest room in your home and you’re the type of person who would like to accommodate guests more often, then you should prep the room for when a guest might actually come. There’s the tendency to use a guest room as a stockroom because no one occupies it, but that will make it difficult to prepare the room for visitors when they do pay you a visit.

As much as possible, keep your guest room empty, save for essentials like bedding and bedroom furniture. Store extra items in an actual storage space, like the back of your kitchen or your laundry room.

Some Last Tips for Effectively Decluttering Your Home

Regardless of the scale of your decluttering project, it’s safe to say that you can’t declutter your whole home in just one day. It’s more practical to choose which rooms to prioritize versus which rooms to leave alone and get back to later.

It’s also a good idea to sort your clutter according to what you simply need to move to another room versus what you need to sell, fix, replace, donate, or throw away. Have piles or storage containers dedicated to each purpose, and then get back to them when you’re done reorganizing the spaces.

When you’re faced with a lot of mess, decluttering can seem almost impossible. But go easy on yourself and take it one room at a time. Before you know it, you’ll be able to take in a breath of fresh air, move around more freely, and actually savor the time you spend at home with your loved ones.

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